Sally provides interactive and motivating keynotes, professional development trainings and workshops that will assist audience members through her L.E.A.R.N. principles of stress management, help educators discover brain based learning techniques for their students or help teams connect with her many fun and effective team building activities.
Reasons to hire Sally as your speaker!

Life is full of things that cause stress. Sally will give participants some ideas through her L.E.A.R.N. principles she outlines in her book including:
A.ttitude of Gratitude and Giving Back
R.elax, Reflect and Recharge
Sally will discuss the importance of living an active, healthy lifestyle in a fun and creative presentation that will cover the five LEARN wellness principles.
As a certified laughter leader, Sally can facilitate your group in some laughter yoga exercises Sally can customize this into an hour keynote, 1/2 day or all day workshop.

A great message as a keynote, half or day-long workshop for audiences who are looking for ways to improve communication and team dynamics. Sally will guide participants through several activities that will help them explore team building ideas including the importance of:
utilizing humor in the workplace
employee engagement
team building exercises
a personality inventory
effective communication
Time with Sally will lead your group into increased productivity, creativity and a positive outlook – all while having a few laughs along the way!

GET MOVING; GET LEARNING (for educators)
This brain-based keynote presentation, half or day-long professional development training will help educators and learning professionals learn how to effectively engage their students from preschoolers through adult learners. Sally will discuss how the brain responds positively to movement, music, laughter and creative activities.
Sally will also highlight how stress, environmental factors and traditional sit and get activities negatively affect memory and learning. Educators will walk away with many ideas they can incorporate into their classrooms right away.